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Sunday School & Small Groups

We encourage all adults to participate in a group or class for continual spiritual and relational connection. Small Groups meet on Wednesday nights to study and grow. Sunday School classes meet at church each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. and childcare is available. Each group has a blend of ages and interests. Contact the main office to learn more about the opportunities to connect.


We encourage involvement in evangelism through community involvement, ministry teams, and we maintain connections with new members through our follow-up program.

Right Now Media

RightNow Media gives you instant access to thousands of Bible study videos and kid’s episodes. Powerful Biblical video content anywhere, anytime for you and your family! You can download an app for most devices and smart TV’s.

Bible & Book Studies

Bible and book studies meet at various times and locations. We’ll be happy to help you find one that best suits your schedule and interests.



Volleyball: Offered in the fall on Sunday afternoons.
Basketball: Offered each winter on Sunday afternoons.
Pickleball: Offered throughout the year.
Softball: Offered late Summer/Early Fall on Sunday night.

Coordinated by Trevor Suess.


This ministry assists people in the community and church who are struggling with financial difficulties. Teams of church members help by meeting with individuals in need to determine how we might best help them.

Helping Hands

This ministry matches people in the church with needs (transportation, minor house repairs, etc.) with church members who can help in that area.

Women's Ministry

Periodically through the year we have special Women’s Events that include fellowship, snacks and a look at God’s Word.

Visitation Ministry

The Visitation Ministry reaches out to church family members who are no longer able to be as physically active as they once were. Monthly visits are made to the homebound and to those living in nursing homes. The team meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m.

Aerobics Classes

Aerobics classes are offered on Monday and Thursday evenings throughout the year at 5:45 p.m. in the Family Life Center gym. Classes allow for various levels of aerobic activity. Sherry Sutton leads the group.

Men's Ministry

We offer occasional men’s breakfasts, studies, cookouts, small groups, as well as activities of interests to guys. The year begins with a men’s steak dinner in late winter/early spring.

Born in a Barn for men of all ages. They meet quarterly at various locations and barns in the Greenville area.

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